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Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 1

Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 1.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Grabinsky,V & Oleksiyenko,M. Product Code: 9781784832032.
Category: PUZZLES. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $59.95 (includes GST)
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The special hardback edition.

TurboCharge Your Tactics 1 is essentially a chess puzzle book, but not a typical one. It?s a multiyear effort by GM Mykhaylo Oleksiyenko and his worldrenowned trainer IM Vladimir Grabinsky to introduce you to the world of ?unnatural? tactical moves.

Presenting examples of extreme beauty, no matter where they come from ? be it online bullet or worldclass grandmaster praxis, this book will cure your ?selective blindness? by destroying the false notion of chess principles being a set of rules, instead of helpful guidelines. Most chess games are decided by tactics, so solving tactical puzzles is the most effective path to improvement.

Hardback, 328 pages. Weight 770 g.

Sample (3268Kb jpg file)

This is the product image for Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 1. Detail: Grabinsky,V & Oleksiyenko,M. Product ID: 9781784832032.
				Price: $59.95.

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212 Surprising Checkmates. Alberston . $19.95.

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