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Conceptual Rook Endgames- workbook

Conceptual Rook Endgames- workbook.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Aagaard,J. Product Code: 9781784832407.
Category: ENDGAME. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $39.99 (includes GST)
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The hardback edition. Test your rook endings at the top level.

This new book by presenting 208 instructive exercises of varying difficulty, testing and reinforcing the reader?s skill and understanding.

Conceptual Rook Endgames Workbook will skyrocket your endgame abilities, whether used as a standalone workbook or as the last step in the AagaardShankland Rook Endgames trilogy.

Harback, 160 pages. Weight 510g.

Details (4455Kb jpg file)

This is the product image for Conceptual Rook Endgames- workbook. Detail: Aagaard,J. Product ID: 9781784832407.
				Price: $39.99.

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Endgame Labyrinths (HB). Aagaard,J . $64.95.
Mastering rook vs pieces. Efstratios. $29.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.