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Grandmaster Training Camp 1 ? Calculation!

Grandmaster Training Camp 1 ? Calculation!.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Shankland,S. Product Code: 9781784831882.
Category: MIDDLEGAME. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $49.95 (includes GST)
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Grandmaster Training Camp 1 ? Calculation! offers you a unique chance to participate in a training camp with SuperGM Sam Shankland, as he works through 300 problems set to him by his longtime trainer. Sam shares what he saw, what he did not see, and what he thinks about the problems and the skills needed to solve them.

This book version of Shankland?s Chessable course has been extensively edited and reorganized by Quality Chess. The book is divided into six topics: Tactics, Candidates, Combinations, Endgames, Defense and Deep Calculation. The material is at the same time both accessible to club players and challenging to grandmasters. Take the chance to compare yourself with one of the strongest Grandmasters in the world! Softback, 360 pages. Weight 660 g.

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This is the product image for Grandmaster Training Camp 1 ? Calculation!. Detail: Shankland,S. Product ID: 9781784831882.
				Price: $49.95.

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