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Black and White Magic

Black and White Magic.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Smith,A. Product Code: 9781784831905.
Category: MIDDLEGAME. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $44.95 (includes GST)
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During his long journey as a chess player and coach, GM Axel Smith came to the realization that understanding colourcomplex strategies is one of the key differences between strong and weak players. After many years of delivering lectures and training material to his students, Smith produced a Chessable course on the topic, which has been extensively edited and reorganized by Quality Chess to produce this book.

In these pages, the award winning author breaks down colour complexes into various subtopics such as blockades, opposite coloured bishops and exchange sacrifices, with carefully chosen exercises to test and reinforce the reader?s newfound understanding. Use Black White Magic to improve your chess strength! Softback, 264 pages.

This is the product image for Black and White Magic. Detail: Smith,A. Product ID: 9781784831905.
				Price: $44.95.

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