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Alekhine Alert!

Alekhine Alert!.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Taylor, T. Product Code: 9781857446234.
Category: 1 E4 OPENINGS. Publisher: Everyman.
Price: AUD $36.95 Now $29.95 (19% discount!!)
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Former US Open Champion Timothy Taylor takes a contemporary look at one of Black's most ambitious counters to 1 e4, the Alekhine Defence.

This is a sharp opening in which Black attacks from the very beginning, luring White's central pawns forward in the expectation of destroying them later on. The Alekhine is a favorite among creative players such as Nigel Short, Vassily Ivanchuk and Hikaru Nakamura.

By studying the most important games and also drawing upon his own experience in the opening, Taylor constructs a practical repertoire for Black, ideal for the modern day player.

All the key tactical and positional ideas for both players are covered, and crucial moveorder nuances are highlighted. This book provides everything you need to know to play the Alekhine with confidence. It presents a dynamic repertoire for Black. It provides answers to all of White's possibilities. It is ideal for improvers, club players and tournament players. Softback 285 pages.

This is the product image for Alekhine Alert!. Detail: Taylor, T. Product ID: 9781857446234.
				Price: $29.95.

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The Scotch Gambit. A,Fishbein. $29.95.
Beating the Sicilian V1. Bologan, V. $4.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.