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How to Beat Your Dad - Hardback

How to Beat Your Dad - Hardback.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Chandler, M. Product Code: 9781901983050.
Category: PUZZLES. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $29.95 (includes GST)
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The special hardback edition.

This is a chess book for everyone, from eight to eighty, beginner to master. In a clear, easy to follow format it explains how the best way to beat a stronger opponent (be it a friend, clubmate or Dad!) is by cleverly forcing checkmate. Delightful and instructive positions from real games are used to show the 50 Deadly Checkmates that chess masters use to win their games.

For the beginner, simply learning the checkmating ideas and enjoying the examples will help develop the tactical skills needed to carry out attacks, combinations and sacrifices.For the advanced player, many of these checkmating ideas will come as a revelation, having never been categorized before. Experts agree that pattern recognition is vital to success in chess, and this book provides a wealth of valuable patterns.

How to Beat Your Dad at Chess makes improving easy and fun, and is full of helpful explanations and practical advice on how to approach chess games with confidence and success.

Hardback, 128 pages. Dimensions (cm): 28.5 x 20.1 x 5.1.

This is the product image for How to Beat Your Dad -  Hardback. Detail: Chandler, M. Product ID: 9781901983050.
				Price: $29.95.

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212 Surprising Checkmates. Alberston . $19.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.