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The Modern Scotch Opening

The Modern Scotch Opening.
Type: SOFTWARE. Detail: D4 OPENINGS. Product Code: 9783866814325.
Price: AUD $55.00 Now $29.95 (46% discount!!)
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A DVD presented by one of India?s top players.

The Scotch 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 has long been associated with exciting play, although people often doubt it?s positional base. But the opening has evolved from the swashbuckling games of the 19th century to become a sound, but aggressive, alternative to the usual Spanish/ Ruy Lopez.

In his first Fritz Trainer DVD, Parimarjan Negi looks at the latest revolution in Scotch theory that has completely changed white?s plans, and once again brought back the interest of the world?s elite. Negi presents not only the white strategies in detail but also outlines a dynamic way for Black to counter this latest trend. Video running time 6 hours. System requirements: Disc drive, windows 7 or higher.

This is the product image for The Modern Scotch Opening. Detail: D4 OPENINGS. Product ID: 9783866814325.
				Price: $29.95.

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