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Rossolimo and friends

Rossolimo and friends.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Kornev, A. Product Code: 9786197188035.
Category: 1 E4 OPENINGS. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $39.95 (includes GST)
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A repertoire against the Sicilian based on 1 e4, 2 Nf3 and 3 Bb5 against the main variations.

Other lines by Black are also considered where 3 Bb5 is not so impressive. Every chess player, who begins his games with the move 1. e4, should be perfectly prepared to encounter the move 1 c5. Why is this opening so dangerous for White?

The point is that in all the basic variations of the Sicilian Defence the fight is double edged and often White risks at least as much as Black does. White is practically deprived of the possibility to simplify the position by numerous exchanges.

In almost all the variations of the Sicilian Defence an enormous amount of theory has been amassed and not all the chess fans can afford to spend so much time and efforts in order to learn the endless variations in all the main lines. Accordingly Alexei Kornev decided to choose systems which did not require phenomenal memory from the White player, but were based on sound positional basis. Softback, 346 pages. Dimensions 145 x 215 x 16mm, 395g.

This is the product image for Rossolimo and friends. Detail: Kornev, A. Product ID: 9786197188035.
				Price: $39.95.

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The Scotch Gambit. A,Fishbein. $29.95.
Beating the Sicilian V1. Bologan, V. $4.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.