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Paul Keres - Volume 1-4

Paul Keres - Volume 1-4.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Adams,J. Product Code: 9789083435084.
Category: PLAYERS. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $449.95 (includes GST)
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The collector's item! we have limited supplies so order beforestocks run out.

Four volumes, hardcover, two slipcases.

For forty years Paul Keres remained one of the world?s strongest grandmasters, admired for the way he played chess, famous for his spectacular surprise attacks, sparkling combinations, opening innovations, middlegame planning, and endgame technique.

Six times he narrowly missed a world title match, earning the nickname ?The Eternal Second? or ?The Crown Prince of Chess?. He was highly regarded not only as a fighting player with a mastery of all aspects of the game, but also for his gentlemanly sportsmanship.The first two volumes on Keres? career contain over 550 games analyzed by his contemporaries, including most of the strongest players of his era.

Volumes three and four present, for the first time in English, the complete text of Paul Keres? autobiography, including his 100 Selected Games. Added to this are many more of Keres? games, with his own in depth commentary, collected from contemporary books and magazines, making this the largest compilation of his literary work ever published.

Four books, 4000 pages and together they weigh 8kg.

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This is the product image for Paul Keres - Volume 1-4. Detail: Adams,J. Product ID: 9789083435084.
				Price: $449.95.

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