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What GMs Don't See V1

What GMs Don't See V1.
Type: BARGAINS. Detail: Ashley, M. Product Code: CBFT-AMW1DVD.
Price: AUD $49.95 Now $4.95 (90% discount!!)
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Only two copies left in stock.

Many times when a top player blunders, it is routinely described as chess blindness.

In this DVD What Grandmasters Don?t See, chess trainer and world class commentator Maurice Ashley strips away the myth, and for the first time explains why the root of these mistakes is more often based on the psychology of human learning.

In Volume 1 of the series, Ashley discusses Protected Squares and shows how many errors occur on squares that seem invulnerable because they are clearly guarded by pawns. In example after example and in his trademark style, Ashley will teach you how to avoid this kind of mistake and how to look for moves that will shock and amaze your opponents. In the first 19 videos on the DVD Ashley demonstrates both well known and little known games in which a move on to a protected square plays an important part. In the second half of the DVD you are tested on what you have learned about protected squares with a series of exercises of increasing difficulty. This material is also drawn both from classics and from recent games. Video running time: 4 hours 18 minutes.System requirements: Disc drive, windows 7 or higher.

This is the product image for What GMs Don't See V1. Detail: Ashley, M. Product ID: CBFT-AMW1DVD.
				Price: $4.95.

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What GMs Don't See V2. Ashley, M. $4.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.