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Beating the Sicilian V2

Beating the Sicilian V2.
Type: BARGAINS. Detail: Bologan, V. Product Code: CBFT-BOBS2EDVD.
Price: AUD $49.95 Now $4.95 (90% discount!!)
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The second volume of the Open Sicilian is dedicated to two very important areas: the most interesting opening of all time the Najdorf Variation, and also to the most romantic line in the Sicilian the Dragon Variation.

It?s actually enough to point out that both openings were played successfully by Garry Kasparov with Black. The author?s task was to give White some clear lines which will survive all kind of possible improvements from the black side and still be able to give White hope for an advantage.

In both cases Bologan recommends a setup with f3, Be3, Qd2, the socalled English Attack. The similarity of ideas makes the job of memorising lines somewhat easier, and at the same time the traditional line by line approach allows the avoidance of any unpleasant surprises. Many mysteries under the surface of the Sicilian can be found by hard work and experience and the author really hopes that this DVD will help you in that! Video running time: 5 hours 40 minutes.

This is the product image for Beating the Sicilian V2. Detail: Bologan, V. Product ID: CBFT-BOBS2EDVD.
				Price: $4.95.

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