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V2 Expertise Step by Step

V2 Expertise Step by Step.
Type: BARGAINS. Detail: Grivas, E. Product Code: CBFT-GMCE2DVD.
Price: AUD $49.95 Now $4.95 (90% discount!!)
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One copy left. A DVD containing 4 hours of video which can be watched on your computer. A disc drive is required.

Mastering chess strategy is a matter of constant practice and analysis. Many good books have been written on this subject and almost all important (or even less important) strategic assets have been examined in great depth.

But there is still enough room in the endless variety of the game of chess for an attempt to classify various themes and a proper description of mechanisms and ways of handling specific types of position.

This DVD, called Mastering Strategy, tries to cover important aspects of this field and to help you to assimilate knowledge and understand in depth the proper handling of strategy in certain cases.

We will examine how to exploit the important f5square, how to make the most of your own apparently useless isolani, how to handle positions with a pawnless queenside, the handling of the a7 outpost, how to increase small advantages and finally how to handle the weak d5 square.

Video running time: 4 hours. System Requirements: Disc drive, Windows 7 or higher.

This is the product image for V2 Expertise Step by Step. Detail: Grivas, E. Product ID: CBFT-GMCE2DVD.
				Price: $4.95.

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