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School Orders
School Chess Orders Welcome For more information click here.

School/club digital chess clock
Competition clock for schools or tournaments -$54.95 For more information click here.


Puzzle rush in a book
1000 chess puzzles- perfect gift book $29.95 For more information click here.

Small magnetic chess/draughts
Take your chess set on holiday For more information click here.


Crazy Knights (puzzle game)

Crazy Knights (puzzle game).
Type: BARGAINS. Detail: . Product Code: CK1.
Price: AUD $19.95 Now $4.95 (75% discount!!)
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Move your knight around the board in a strategic pattern. This rare disc was released in 2002 for the PC. It is sealed and never been used..

This is the product image for Crazy Knights (puzzle game). Detail: . Product ID: CK1.
				Price: $4.95.

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