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Power Fritz 18 - DVD

Power Fritz 18 - DVD.
Retail Price: AUD $149.99 (includes GST)
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A disc that can be used on 3 of your devices but of course you need a disc drive.

Important technical novelty: Buyers of the DVD will also receive the download version (activation on the ChessBase site)! So if you have a computer without a DVD drive, you can still buy the DVD version! This is what Power Fritz 18 offers:

2 top chess engines: Fritz18 NEURONAL, the world champion engine with NNUE technology by Frank Schneider and Fritz 18"Classic" engine, optimised for short thinking times.

Fritz Powerbook 2022 with 25 million opening positions and 1.7 million chess games

1 year Premium ChessBase Account: 10 professional WebApps for mobile playing and training!

Here are the new highlights.

It can be used as a chess opponent and you can change the levels to have a decent in 5 minute blitz or a longer game. It can also analyse your games.

In Vienna, the most popular chess program ever was once again able to underline its premier position: the newly developed neural engine with NNUE technology won the official Chess Software World Championship! With Power Fritz 18 you have the world champion program on your own computer.

The new AI based training method leads you to brilliant sacrificial combinations via clever variant selection and discreet hints. Intelligent tips: Fritz provides subtle hints which do not give away too much but which make it possible for you to be in control of difficult positions.

Visual evaluation: Much better than just a single number! Piece placement, pawn structure, king safety, activity and sharpness of the position displayed graphically in the engine window.

New engine analysis: Interesting threats, appealing ideas and the game continuation are automatically analysed at the same time in multi variation mode. Animated engine variations: Intuitive display of the best continuation on the board Improved calculation training to give your Elo a quick boost.

Including ChessBase Account Premium (6 months): Premium access to many mobile WeApps:, live database, video courses, live broadcasts, tactics training, cloud access, opening app, Fritz Online, playerbase, studies.

This is the product image for Power Fritz 18 - DVD. Detail: CHESSBASE. Product ID: FRITZPOWER18DVD.
				Price: $149.99.

star star


ChessBase 17- Starter Pack. CHESSBASE. $324.95.
Fat Fritz 2 Chess Program. Silver, A. $99.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.