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Karpov Chess School Computer

Karpov Chess School Computer.
Type: EQUIPMENT. Detail: COMPUTER. Product Code: M806.
Retail Price: AUD $119.95 (includes GST)
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The perfect present for an improving player.

The chess computer with textbook, interactive exercises and speech output. It is ideal for players new to the game who want a challenge.

The board size dimensions: 25.5 x 18 x 2.8 cm.Chess interests you or your child, but you never really learned that? Here the bonus chess textbook of the former world champion Anatoly Karpov helps. Step by step you will learn how to systematically build and improve your game by means of 100 exercises, which are already integrated in the chess computer.

Product dimensions: 25.5 x 18 x 2.8 cm.Perfectly suitable also for schools and clubs who wish to give players new to the game a challenge.It runs on batteries but a power charger (code is M811) is recommended for the reduced price of $25 and it will come with an Australian adapter.

The Karpov chess school offers a unique concept: In the compact chess textbook with 87 pages the pieces and their move possibilities are explained in detail.

Then it starts: With the interactive chess training of the device you can try out the 100 chess exercises described in the book with the computer. The exercises are already pre stored and shown on the display. You just set up the pieces accordingly and try to find a solution!

The tasks become more and more complex, so that at the end you are able to master the basics of the game. The switchable voice output (in English language) warns you about weak moves and possible threats.

Comfort.The Karpov Chess School is equipped with the Germany company MILLENNIUM high sensitive pressure sensor technology. The particularly smooth running chess board ensures maximum gaming fun!

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This is the product image for Karpov Chess School Computer. Detail: COMPUTER. Product ID: M806.
				Price: $119.95.

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Centaur Chess Computer. COMPUTER. $729.95.

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