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School/club digital chess clock
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Chess Wizardry

Chess Wizardry.
Type: BARGAINS. Detail: Rice, J. Product Code: 0713480130.
Price: AUD $39.95 Now $19.95 (50% discount!!)
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This new edition of a classic work will introduce a new generation of readers to the wonder of chess problems.

A chess problem is not a position from a game of chess, but rather the crystallisation of a composer's spectacular idea. You do not need to be an accomplished player to enjoy the positions and ideas in this book only a knowledge of the basic rules of chess is needed. Nevertheless, it is no coincidence that good solvers are often strong players the British Solving team includes Grandmasters Nunn and Mestel. 'This is probably the most important book on chess problems to be published in English in the last decade and is written by Great Britain's leading composer. The majority of the book is an alphabetical lexicon of themes and terms, but the book starts with an extended introduction to chess problems and ends with a selection of problems for solving and a fascinating section on composing. An extensive index of themes and composers makes for easy reference. A musthavebook for any chess problem enthusiast.' BDS Website.

This is the product image for Chess Wizardry. Detail: Rice, J. Product ID: 0713480130.
				Price: $19.95.

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Studies for Practical Players. Dvoretsky . $49.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.