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Ideas Behind Modern Chess Openings: White repertoire

Ideas Behind Modern Chess Openings: White repertoire.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Lane, G. Product Code: 0713487127.
Category: 1 D4 OPENINGS. Publisher: Batsford.
Price: AUD $39.95 Now $29.95 (25% discount!!)
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Signed copies are available at no extra cost.

This repertoire of easy to learn openings, based on Garry Kasparov's move 1 d4, offers openings with a modern twist.

Each one has simple principles that allow White to play just about the same moves against the Grunfeld, King's Indian, and Nimzo Indian Defense.

There are also modern systems to repel the Dutch, Benoni, and even offbeat lines such as the Englund Gambit. Nothing is left out: the tricks and traps in the opening for both sides; the basic plan and strategy using entertaining games and how to play the middlegame by following easy plans.

Softback, 160 pages. Dimensions 138 x 216 x 12.7mm, 225g.Signed copies are available.

This is the product image for Ideas Behind Modern Chess Openings: White repertoire. Detail: Lane, G. Product ID: 0713487127.
				Price: $29.95.

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