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School Chess Orders Welcome For more information click here.

School/club digital chess clock
Competition clock for schools or tournaments -$54.95 For more information click here.


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Small magnetic chess/draughts
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Kings, Commoners and Knaves

Kings, Commoners and Knaves.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Winter, E. Product Code: 1888690046.
Category: HISTORY. Publisher: Russell.
Price: AUD $59.95 Now $49.95 (17% discount!!)
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A chess history classic!

Edward Winter's sequel to Chess Explorations the excellent book on his musings and research on chess history. A cornucopia of games, positions, biographies, mysteries, howlers, reviews, quotations, etc, featuring a cast of hundreds from the chess world of today and yesteryear, the champions and the under achievers; the scholars and the bunglers; the saints and the sinners.

Every page provides fascinating, little known material from an author who is prepared to name names.

Softback, 456 pages.

Sample (143Kb jpg file)

This is the product image for Kings, Commoners and Knaves. Detail: Winter, E. Product ID: 1888690046.
				Price: $49.95.

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Chess Bibliography 1850-1968. Betts, D. $79.95.
American Chess Bulletin Volume 42 (. Fiala, V. $19.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.