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You Move... I Win!

You Move... I Win!.
Type: BARGAINS. Detail: Angos, A. Product Code: 1888710187.
Price: AUD $32.95 Now $19.95 (39% discount!!)
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Wouldn't you like to have more forced wins when you reach the endgame?

If so, then national master Alex Angos has a solution for you in "You Move I Win!" Dr. Angos explains how, through the fine art of "zugzwang", you can set your opponent up for a hopeless position so that no matter what he does, his position will get worse! Learn the patterns, learn the positions and win.

He also uses several techniques which have remained unknown by many, such as: the Chinese Feet, Bahr's Colour Rule, and the Unorthodox Colour Opposition. This book also explores pure pawn endings, minor piece endings, endings involving Rooks, endings involving Queens, and finally, a look at the middlegame. Softback 188 pages. Dimensions: 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.1 cm, 250g.

This is the product image for You Move... I Win!. Detail: Angos, A. Product ID: 1888710187.
				Price: $19.95.

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Kramnik vs Leko 2004. Breutigam,. $19.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.