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Classic Wood Pieces

Classic Wood Pieces.
Type: EQUIPMENT. Detail: WOOD_SETS. Product Code: 18992757.
Retail Price: AUD $109.95 (includes GST)
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Handmade wooden (boxwood) chess pieces with 2 extra queens.

This prestigious set is made in India and is ideal for any home or chess tournament. The tallest piece is the king which is 9.5cm (3.75 inches) and all the pieces are single weighted so they feel like serious pieces.

The set weighs 900g and all pieces have a base covered in green cloth to allow the pieces to move easily across the board.The wooden board is sold separately and it has Walnut and Sycamore veneers. The product code is 1899woodwalnut.The pieces are safely delivered in a smart cardbox box which is well insulated.

Details (362Kb jpg file)

Sample (603Kb jpg file)

This is the product image for Classic Wood Pieces. Detail: WOOD_SETS. Product ID: 18992757.
				Price: $109.95.

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