Australian Chess Enterprises | Carry Bay (for set & board) Burgundy | BAGS Australian Chess Enterprises Home | Contact | Order | Products | Outdoors | Equipment | Books | Magazines | Software | Clearance | Downloads

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Carry Bay (for set & board) Burgundy

Carry Bay (for set & board) Burgundy.
Type: EQUIPMENT. Detail: BAGS. Product Code: 1899burg.
Retail Price: AUD $24.95 (includes GST)
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Our burgundy chess bag is the perfect answer for carrying all of your chess needs.

Made of durable nylon, this 60 cm 22cm (24" x 9") bag will hold a rolled up vinyl board, a full set of pieces, a chess clock, lucky pen, and still have room for score books, chess books, and magazines!

This bag is also unique in that it's well placed padded pockets will keep the bag balanced whether you carry a clock or not. Other colours are available.

Sample (31Kb jpg file)

This is the product image for Carry Bay (for set & board) Burgundy. Detail: BAGS. Product ID: 1899burg.
				Price: $24.95.

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