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Chess Board- Mahogany (55mm squares)

Chess Board- Mahogany (55mm squares).
Type: EQUIPMENT. Detail: WOOD_BOARDS. Product Code: 1899woodmahogany.
Retail Price: AUD $199.99 (includes GST)
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Mahogany and Sycamore with Mahogany Border.

A high quality chessboard, featuring Mahogany and Sycamore veneers. Overall Board Dimensions are 55mm squares board: 550mm x 550mm x 15mmBoth the playing face of the chessboard and the reverse are manufactured with high quality veneers and a special finish.Rechapados Ferrer is a workshop located in the town of La Garriga (Barcelona, Spain) with more than 60 years of experience in designing and manufacturing artisanal chess boards.The Mahogany wood veneer has been combined with high grade light Sycamore, the result is a board that would grace any top chess tournament.Ferrer chess boards are used in the world chess championships organised by FIDE, World Chess, European Chess and Australian Chess Federation.

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This is the product image for Chess Board- Mahogany (55mm squares). Detail: WOOD_BOARDS. Product ID: 1899woodmahogany.
				Price: $199.99.

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