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The Art of Chess V3 Attack

The Art of Chess V3 Attack.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Aptekar, L. Product Code: 9780473154608.
Category: BASICS. Publisher: .
Price: AUD $33.00 Now $29.95 (9% discount!!)
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Rare signed book by the veteran New Zealand champion.

A look at attacking chess where brilliant examples from games will inspire and entertain you.There are also plenty of examples where we see the last few moves as a way to show the right way to plan an attack and then win!

This is reinforced by other game selections where the theme is the same so you can get a feel for the position to judge the right time to sacrifice or increase the pressure. This helps the reader to absorb the idea and it will come more naturally where you are playing blitz or regular games. An easy but entertaining way to improve. An enjoyable book for anyone who wants to be good.

The well known author originally from Ukraine moved to New Zealand where he won the national championship in 1976. He currently resides in Sydney, Australia where he teaches a select few juniors the secrets of his chess experience. Softback, 154 pages.

This is the product image for The Art of Chess V3 Attack. Detail: Aptekar, L. Product ID: 9780473154608.
				Price: $29.95.

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The Art of Chess V1 Tactics. Aptekar, L. $29.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.