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Moral Victories: Savielly Tarkatower

Moral Victories: Savielly Tarkatower.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Lovejoy, D. Product Code: 9780957978027.
Category: GENERAL. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $24.95 (includes GST)
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A signed copy by the Australian author at no extra cost but we have limited supplies.

A novel based on the life of chess master Savielly Tartakower using research for a planned biography. Tartakower was a passionate man who fought for the Austro Hungarian Empire in 1914 to 18 and then for the Allies against Germany in the Second World War. He changed nationalities four times, being born Russian and becoming in turn Austrian, Ukrainian, Polish and French.

A debonair gambler, poet and wit, he was yet haunted throughout his life by a youthful indiscretion in prewar Vienna. And he was also a world class chess master who left a legacy of beautiful play and fascinating accounts of the game. In life inscrutable, half a century after his death some of Tartakower's mystery can now be fathomed. Softback 285 pages.

This is the product image for Moral Victories: Savielly Tarkatower. Detail: Lovejoy, D. Product ID: 9780957978027.
				Price: $24.95.

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Complete Book of Chess. Dalby, Eli. $19.99.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.