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Coffeehouse Repertoire 2

Coffeehouse Repertoire 2.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Jones, G. Product Code: 9781784831479.
Category: 1 E4 OPENINGS. Publisher: .
Price: AUD $59.95 Now $49.95 (17% discount!!)
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In Volume 2, English GM Gawain Jones shows how to fight for an advantage against 1?e5, plus the French, Pirc, Modern, Philidor and other miscellaneous Defences, using lines which feature a potent combination of surprise value, objective soundness and practical effectiveness.

Softback, 568 pages Dimensions 170 x 240 x 25mm, 1,042g

This is the product image for Coffeehouse Repertoire 2. Detail: Jones, G. Product ID: 9781784831479.
				Price: $49.95.

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