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The Caro-Kann, the Easy Way

The Caro-Kann, the Easy Way.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Engqvist,T. Product Code: 9781849948166.
Category: 1 E4 OPENINGS. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $34.95 (includes GST)
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Published in 2024 this book offers an opening repertoire for Black.

There are 50 instructive games to learn the tricks and traps of the opening. Learn to play better with the Caro Kann by following the highlighted variations and getting to know the overall ideas of the variation.

A highly instructive book which will allow players of the black pieces to play the opening with confidence. is notorious for its simple solidity and is a popular chess opening that players of all levels benefit from having in their arsenal. It is a firm favourite of grand masters past and present, including Karpov, Petrosian, Capablanca and Anand.

This book avoids overcomplicated details and endless computer variations, focusing instead on key variations of the Caro Kann that can be committed to memory. Examining classic games to demonstrate key moves in action, Engqvist brings the defence to life and provides you with the knowledge you need to put strategy into practice.

Softback, 330 pages.

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This is the product image for The Caro-Kann, the Easy Way. Detail: Engqvist,T. Product ID: 9781849948166.
				Price: $34.95.

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