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Checkmate Tactics (HB)

Checkmate Tactics (HB).
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Kasparov, G. Product Code: 9781857446265.
Category: BEGINNERS. Publisher: Everyman.
Retail Price: AUD $29.95 (includes GST)
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A hardback book for the keen junior or aspiring player.

Tactical play is the key to chess. It's the stuff that players are trying to work out when they say to themselves, If I go there and he goes there and then I check him with the knight now, what can he do etc.

At a social or weak club level, virtually 100% of games are decided for tactical reasons. If you want to play good chess you have to understand tactics. It's that simple! Checkmate Tactics, written by the former World Champion will help you achieve this goal.

Hardback, 96 pages.

This is the product image for Checkmate Tactics (HB). Detail: Kasparov, G. Product ID: 9781857446265.
				Price: $29.95.

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Chess Opening Traps for Kids. Burgess, G. $29.95.
Kasparov Najdorf vol 1 & 2. Kasparov, . $95.00.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.