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Gambit Busters

Gambit Busters.
Type: BARGAINS. Detail: Collins, S. Product Code: 9781857446425.
Retail Price: AUD $19.95 (includes GST)
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We have all experienced nasty gambits and ultra aggressive opening play. Its scary and its always been difficult to find good, practical advice on how to react.

Now, however, help is at hand. In this book, Sam Collins tackles the important subject of gambit play and gambit defence. He explores in depth the basic approaches, the typical mistakes made at all levels and explains how to avoid them. He also examines the techniques used by worldclass players to defend and counterattack, and explains how you can learn from them.

In addition, he covers some key theory of many popular gambits in modern chess. Be bold, be brave and grab those pawns! This book shows you how to: Beat unsound gambits, Keep a cool head under pressure, Counterattack when the time is right, Make your extra material count.

Softback 208 pages. Dimensions 152 x 229 x 16mm. .

This is the product image for Gambit Busters. Detail: Collins, S. Product ID: 9781857446425.
				Price: $19.95.

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