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Instructive Chess Puzzles

Instructive Chess Puzzles.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Burgess, G. Product Code: 9781906454289.
Category: PUZZLES. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $24.95 (includes GST)
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Solving chess puzzles is one of the most effective ways to improve your game. This convenient book provides 300 exercises, with instructive points highlighted in the solutions.

There is something here for everyone. The first 64 puzzles are based on a clear cut tactic or checkmate.

In practice it is vital to defend resiliently and seek counterattacking chances, there is an innovative chapter on these rarely covered themes, as well as endgame puzzles and ones where the reader must decide how to punch home an attack.

Later chapters develop your ability to make tough chessboard decisions. Attack, sacrifice, grab material, defend or simplify, you decide! Principles and guidelines are emphasized, together with common sources of error.

The final section of puzzles will prove a stern challenge even for the best players, with the reader exposed to the full complexity of modern chess, with a few helpful hints along the way.

Softback, 160 pages.Dimensions ,? 13.21 x 0.94 x 19.41 cm

This is the product image for Instructive Chess Puzzles. Detail: Burgess, G. Product ID: 9781906454289.
				Price: $24.95.

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212 Surprising Checkmates. Alberston . $19.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.