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The London Files

The London Files.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Kotronias, V & Ivanov,M. Product Code: 9781949859690.
Category: 1 D4 OPENINGS. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $39.99 (includes GST)
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An opening repertoire for Black to beat the London System based on meeting 1 d4 with a Kings Indian type of set up starting with 1 Nf6.

The London has evolved into an opening taken up by both club players and World champions. Magnus Carlsen has played it regularly and the new World champion Ding Liren used it to convincingly defeat Ian Nepomniachtchi in game six of their 2023 title match.

Literature on the London has focused primarily on play from White?s side. However, this new book by grandmasters Vassilios Kotronias and Mikhail Ivanov changes all that. Thea authors present four (!) separate ways to combat the London: (1) King?s Indian Setups; (2) the London Benoni; (3) the London Nimzo and Queen?s Indian; and (4) the London Orthodox System.

The London Files presents Black many good and flexible options for neutralizing White, while also giving us Londoners many new problems to contend with. Without a doubt, this book will give Black players highly effective means to deal with the London System for a long time to come and may even have players completely rethinking their approach with the white pieces. ? From the Foreword by Ian Harris. Defang the London System and fear it no more!

Softback, 272 pages. Dimensions ,15.24 x 1.27 x 22.86 cm

Sample (750Kb jpg file)

This is the product image for The London Files. Detail: Kotronias, V & Ivanov,M. Product ID: 9781949859690.
				Price: $39.99.

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