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School of Chess Excellence 4 - Opening Developments

School of Chess Excellence 4 - Opening Developments.
Type: BARGAINS. Detail: Dvoretsky, M. Product Code: 9783283004194.
Price: AUD $59.95 Now $39.90 (33% discount!!)
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A chess classic.

This book analyzes opening problems that players may face in any game.

As always, there are numerous examples to help illustrate the best choices to make for chess success. The author comments, The main attraction of chess is its thematic content. I hope that this book will provide a guide for you through the rich and diverse world of chess ideas, will help you to perceive the depth and beauty of schemes generated at the board, in tournament or match play, to disclose the causes of mistakes and to be aware of the hidden forces that determine the plans of chess encounters. As a result you will significantly improve your understanding of chess, and your practical playing strength will rise.

Softback, 206 pages. Dimensions 165 x 230 x 15.24mm, 520g

Sample (70Kb jpg file)

This is the product image for School of Chess Excellence 4 - Opening Developments. Detail: Dvoretsky, M. Product ID: 9783283004194.
				Price: $39.90.

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Devious Chess. Avni, A. $29.95.
Tactics CD. MIDDLEGAME. $19.95.
The Art of Attacking Chess. Franco, Z. $24.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.