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Chess Opening Essentials 3

Chess Opening Essentials 3.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Djuric et al. Product Code: 9789056912703.
Category: OPENINGS. Publisher: New in Chess.
Price: AUD $69.95 Now $44.95 (36% discount!!)
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Complete coverage of Indian Defences against 1 d4.

Volume 3 of an accessible primer and reference book about chess openings. Provides a solid foundation to build your opening repertoire on. Explains what you should be trying to achieve, with clear indications for further study. Comprehensive: covers all main variations likely to arise. Easy to use: important moves and key positions are highlighted in colour.

Long lasting openings: it doesn?t outdate because it is about basics not the latest fashions. Explains the plans and counterplans for both Black and White. Convenient as every opening is illustrated with a number of instructive games.

This book helps improving players to develop a solid understanding of fundamental opening play, gives casual players the ability to choose the opening that suits their style and taste, and is a tool for club players to test and review their opening repertoire.: British Chess Magazine wrote For players with a rating up to 1900 this book covers a large part of the road."

It gives an outline of each opening and major variation in turn, explaining the ideas and most popular choices for the benefit of elementary players. The reviewer was impressed by the practical advice given in the notes in this well produced volume." Softback, 336 pages .Dimensions 170 x 231 x 23mm, 680g

This is the product image for Chess Opening Essentials 3. Detail: Djuric et al. Product ID: 9789056912703.
				Price: $44.95.

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