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Grind Like a Grandmaster (HB)

Grind Like a Grandmaster (HB).
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Carlsen,M & Howell, D. Product Code: 9789083328461.
Category: MIDDLEGAME. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $59.95 (includes GST)
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How to be good by the top players in the world. It is amazing how much play you can create in a seemingly equal chess position, if you persevere. In this book, the greatest chess player of all time, Magnus Carlsen, and his friend, Grandmaster David Howell, explain how to win these kinds of chess games.

Carlsen and Howell show how you can keep a game alive, how you can keep posing problems to your opponent, how you can recognize the first small mistakes, and how you can grind your opponent down until he cracks.

New In Chess has converted this book from a popular Chessable video and MoveTrainer course with the help of Carlsen and Howell. The lively conversations of the two friends translate very well into a highly instructive chess manual. It is top level chess, using grandmaster games as examples, but the insights are accessible to players of all levels.

Hardback, 206 pages.

This is the product image for Grind Like a Grandmaster (HB). Detail: Carlsen,M & Howell, D. Product ID: 9789083328461.
				Price: $59.95.

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