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Gambit Opening Repertoire

Gambit Opening Repertoire.
Type: SOFTWARE. Detail: OTHER. Product Code: CBFT-LOGOEDVD.
Price: AUD $39.95 Now $29.95 (25% discount!!)
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This DVD will present you with a complete gambit opening repertoire for both White and Black, consisting of sharp tactical openings leading to open positions and providing many opportunities for fullblown mating attacks and beautiful sacs! Among these impressive gambit systems are the Kings Gambit and the Blackmar Diemer Gambit for White and the Fajarowicz Gambit for Black. In this DVD, FM Lilov will help you take a fresh look at the game of chess, giving you a glimpse of how much fun it is to jump into a risky attack with no fear, relying on your intuition and growing experience with open positions. An online review; The gambits presented are The King's, the Evans, Belgrade, Wing Gambit Deferred, Nimzowitsch, RasaStudier, The Mad Dog Attack, Alekhine Gambit Omega Gambit, The BlackmarDiemer (BDG), Staunton, Jaenisch/Rosseau, Marshall, Icelandic, Colorado, Fajarowicz, Schara Henning, Froms, and then four worthwhile games on gambits entitled "Gambit Strategy." I rather enjoyed his presentation of the Colorado Gambit (1.e4 Nc6 2.Nf3 f5?!) given with a wink and a nod, indicating maybe "it isn't as bad as it looks." And he is correct, it is one of those gambits opponents will want to blow off the board but will find that Black has all sorts of odd resources. Lilov is an excellent and enthusiastic teacher. He has an accent, but strives to make everything he says clear, and he does an excellent job. The focus is on ideas here rather than specific variations. But that is one place Lilov also fails on this trainer, at least in two gambits I am very familiar with. Video running time: 4 hours of video.

This is the product image for Gambit Opening Repertoire. Detail: OTHER. Product ID: CBFT-LOGOEDVD.
				Price: $29.95.

star star


Tactics Volume 2. MIDDLEGAME. $19.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.