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Spanish Exchange Variation

Spanish Exchange Variation.
Type: BARGAINS. Detail: Martin, A. Product Code: CBFT-MOSEDVD.
Price: AUD $55.00 Now $19.95 (64% discount!!)
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A simple idea underpins the Exchange Variation of the Ruy Lopez and all is revealed on this DVD. Take all the pieces off and White wins the ending thanks to the extra pawn on the kingside. Naturally, the execution of this plan is anything but simple because Black obtains the Bishop pair and free piece play to compensate him for his doubled pawns on c6. Nevertheless, it is useful to have something to aim for! Many World Champions have employed 4.Bxc6 and we will see some of their encounters on this DVD, along with a collection of very recent examples. Bobby Fischer was perhaps the most influential of those who played 4.Bxc6 ,as he showed the line could be played dynamically and that White was not restricted only to play for better endgames. The Exchange Variation is suitable for all levels of player, completely sound and a good tournament weapon. On this new ChessBase DVD, Andrew Martin makes a convincing case for White?s chances. Video running time: 4 hours.System requirements: Disc drive, windows 7 or higher.

This is the product image for Spanish Exchange Variation. Detail: Martin, A. Product ID: CBFT-MOSEDVD.
				Price: $19.95.

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