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Digital Clock/Timer: DGT Easy Plus

Digital Clock/Timer: DGT Easy Plus.
Type: EQUIPMENT. Detail: CLOCKS. Product Code: DGT-EASY-PLUS.
Retail Price: AUD $74.95 (includes GST)
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A perfect chess clock/timer for clubs, schools and tournaments.

The difference between this and the other easy clock (code DGT EASY BB) is that with this one additional time can be added per move. For instance, 40 moves in 90 minutes 30 seconds per move is now easily completed. It is a universal game timer, so you can even use it for scrabble to hurry someone up.

It is of course suitable for all two player games. It has Move timer game timer, delay bonus modes, Manual programming for all timing methods. It is easy to program and easy to use, the Easy Plus features handy front buttons, game timer count up option, simple one touch reset, a large and clear display, low battery indicator and optional buzzer. Individual time settings possible for each player. It also comes in a gift box. Size: 14.4 cm width, 13.4 cm deep, 7 cm high. Discounts are available for bulk orders. Just phone 02 45886156 or email

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This is the product image for Digital Clock/Timer: DGT Easy Plus. Detail: CLOCKS. Product ID: DGT-EASY-PLUS.
				Price: $74.95.

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