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Digital Clock/Timer: DGT 1002 +Bonus Timer

Digital Clock/Timer: DGT 1002 +Bonus Timer.
Type: EQUIPMENT. Detail: CLOCKS. Product Code: DGT1002.
Retail Price: AUD $59.95 (includes GST)
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A digital clock designed by the famous Dutch company suitable for schools and chess clubs.

It has bonus functions that allows seconds to be added for each move if required.

Simply press the plus button or minus button to set the times and the game can begin. It is is perfect for schools, clubs and friends.

The handy size (15.5cm length, 6.0cm width and 4.5cm height) makes it easy to pack away, while small enough to be perfect to take on your travels. An AA battery is included.

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This is the product image for Digital Clock/Timer: DGT 1002 +Bonus Timer. Detail: CLOCKS. Product ID: DGT1002.
				Price: $59.95.

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