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Giant Board (Nylon Mat)

Giant Board (Nylon Mat).
Type: EQUIPMENT. Detail: OUTDOORS. Product Code: GMC.
Retail Price: AUD $75.00 (includes GST)
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Material: nylon fabric matSize: 9' x 9' full size with 13' squares

The nylon fabric giant mat is made of heavyduty nylon fabric with 13" stitched squares. This chess board can be folded and walked on and it still looks fine! It can also be machine washed. It accomodates the giant chess pieces perfectly and folds down to a tiny 15" x 15" x 1". In centimetres the mat is 2.65m square with individual squares of 32cm.

It is included if you order a Giant Chess Set (GCC). Four metal tent pegs are provided to keep it fastened to the ground.

This is the product image for Giant Board (Nylon Mat). Detail: OUTDOORS. Product ID: GMC.
				Price: $75.00.

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