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Power Charger for Karpov/Genius/Pro

Power Charger for Karpov/Genius/Pro.
Type: EQUIPMENT. Detail: COMPUTER. Product Code: M811.
Price: AUD $44.95 Now $25.00 (44% discount!!)
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The official Millennium power supply with an Australian adapter.

For use with with the Millennium ChessGenius Chess Computer (M810), the Chess Genius Pro (M812) and Karpov computer (M805/M806) .The connection point on the ChessGenius Computer is located underneath the machine but via the side (bottom right when looking over the machine).

You can use it around the world due to the UK, EU (2pin) and US (2pin) connections.

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This is the product image for Power Charger for Karpov/Genius/Pro. Detail: COMPUTER. Product ID: M811.
				Price: $25.00.

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Centaur Chess Computer. COMPUTER. $729.95.

Note. 1 stars = average. 2 stars = excellent. 3 stars = classic.