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Chess Scorebook (50 games)

Chess Scorebook (50 games).
Type: EQUIPMENT. Detail: STATIONERY. Product Code: SB01.
Retail Price: AUD $4.99 (includes GST)
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This handy score book allows you to write down the moves of 50 games.

Available in various colours, light blue,light brown, orange and yellow.

Just indicate in comments when ordering if you want a particular colour. Each score book page has a place to record information about the players, the events, the game, the round, the chess tournament, ratings, and more.

Each scorebook holds 50 chess games and is spiral bound for easy access to your games and so you won't lose them. They also have a cardstock cover and back page for durability and protection. Each page holds 100 moves per sheet and has a blank diagram for special positions.

Details (37Kb jpg file)

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This is the product image for Chess Scorebook (50 games). Detail: STATIONERY. Product ID: SB01.
				Price: $4.99.

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