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School Orders
School Chess Orders Welcome For more information click here.

School/club digital chess clock
Competition clock for schools or tournaments -$54.95 For more information click here.


NEW! Pocket Chess Set
Slimline magnetic Chess Set, only $7.95! For more information click here.

Small magnetic chess/draughts
Take your chess set on holiday For more information click here.


Outdoors (by name)

Note. All prices include GST.

35 outdoors found.

Note. Sorted by name.
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Name Detail Price
Giant Board (Nylon Mat) (GMC) 0001 OUTDOORS 75.00
Giant Chess Bag (GBAG) 0002 OUTDOORS 29.99
Giant Draughts Black (GCCDB) 0003 SPARES 25.00
Giant Draughts White (GCCDW) 0004 SPARES 25.00
Giant Draughts/Checkers Set with Mat (GDC) 0005 OUTDOORS 265.00
Large Giant Knight Black (GCHESSNB) 0006 SPARES 50.00
Large Giant Queen White (GCHESSQW) 0007 SPARES 65.00
Large Giant Bishop Black (GCHESSBB) 0008 SPARES 50.00
Large Giant Bishop White (GCHESSBW) 0009 SPARES 50.00
Large Giant King Black (GCHESSKB) 0010 SPARES 65.00
Large Giant King White (GCHESSKW) 0011 SPARES 65.00
Large Giant Knight White (GCHESSNW) 0012 SPARES 50.00
Large Giant Pawn Black (GCHESSPB) 0013 SPARES 35.00
Large Giant Pawn White (GCHESSPW) 0014 SPARES 35.00
Large Giant Queen Black (GCHESSQB) 0015 SPARES 65.00
Large Giant Rook Black (GCHESSRB) 0016 SPARES 50.00
Large Giant Rook White (GCHESSRW) 0017 SPARES 50.00
Mini Draughts/Checkers Set (GDCSB) 0018 OUTDOORS 29.95
Small Giant Bishop (Black) (GSCHESSBB) 0019 SPARES 19.95
Small Giant Bishop (White) (GSCHESSBW) 0020 SPARES 19.95
Small Giant Chess + Nylon Mat (GCSN) 0021 OUTDOORS 170.00
Small Giant Extra Pieces (GSCHESSX) 0022 SPARES 19.95
Small Giant King (Black) (GSCHESSKB) 0023 SPARES 19.95
Small Giant King (White) (GSCHESSKW) 0024 SPARES 19.95
Small Giant Knight (Black) (GSCHESSNB) 0025 SPARES 19.95
Small Giant Knight (White) (GSCHESSNW) 0026 SPARES 19.95
Small Giant Mat Fabric (GMCS) 0027 OUTDOORS 35.00
Small Giant Mat Vinyl (GMCV) 0028 OUTDOORS 35.00
Small Giant Pawn (Black) (GSCHESSPB) 0029 SPARES 19.95
Small Giant Pawn (White) (GSCHESSPW) 0030 SPARES 19.95
Small Giant Queen (Black) (GSCHESSQB) 0031 SPARES 19.95
Small Giant Queen (White) (GSCHESSQW) 0032 SPARES 19.95
Small Giant Rook (Black) (GSCHESSRB) 0033 SPARES 19.95
Small Giant Rook (White) (GSCHESSRW) 0034 SPARES 19.95
Spare Base for Giant Piece (GCHESSBASES) 0035 SPARES 19.95