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7 Ways to Smash the Sicilian

7 Ways to Smash the Sicilian.
Type: BARGAINS. Detail: Conticello & Lapshun. Product Code: 9781857445954.
Price: AUD $32.95 Now $19.95 (39% discount!!)
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This book teaches you how to attack the Sicilian Defence by using the Seven Deadly Sacrifices.

These typical sacrifices can help you to win games. Chapters such as knight sacrifice on f5 or bishop sacrifice on b5 can be the key to smashing the Sicilian.

A feast of entertaining games and violent sacrifices. It includes coverage of the main lines and is an essential guide to destroying the Sicilian.

Softback 192 pages. Dimensions 152 x 229 x 12.7mm.

This is the product image for 7 Ways to Smash the Sicilian. Detail: Conticello & Lapshun. Product ID: 9781857445954.
				Price: $19.95.

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You Move... I Win!. Angos, A. $19.95.

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