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School Orders
School Chess Orders Welcome For more information click here.

School/club digital chess clock
Competition clock for schools or tournaments -$54.95 For more information click here.


NEW! Pocket Chess Set
Slimline magnetic Chess Set, only $7.95! For more information click here.

Small magnetic chess/draughts
Take your chess set on holiday For more information click here.



Type: BARGAINS. Detail: Schultz, D. Product Code: 0967077508.
Price: AUD $39.95 Now $4.95 (88% discount!!)
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The inside story of American and international chess from 1960s to the turn of the century.

Lots of games, photos and chess politics. Basically, Memoirs of a Chess Official, organizer and member of the FIDE Executive Board who participated in many controversial chess events including the matches by Fischer, Karpov and Kasparov for the World Chess Championships. The insider story of these important chess events.

Softback, 356 pages.

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This is the product image for CHESSDON. Detail: Schultz, D. Product ID: 0967077508.
				Price: $4.95.

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You Move... I Win!. Angos, A. $19.95.

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