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Chess College 1: Strategy

Chess College 1: Strategy.
Type: BARGAINS. Detail: Grivas. Product Code: 9781904600459.
Price: AUD $39.95 Now $19.95 (50% discount!!)
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Chess College is a way to take intermediate players to new levels of chess understanding.New ideas are introduced and immediately illustrated by a number of entertaining and instructive examples, many drawn from the author's own practice.

Volume 1: Strategy introduces covers a variety of topics, including: "Why do we lose?", Attack on the King, Two Bishops, Passed Pawn, Exchange Sacrifice, Positional Sacrifice, and Outpost.

Sofck112 pages. Dimensions 172 x 248 x 6.35mm, 240g.

This is the product image for Chess College 1: Strategy. Detail: Grivas. Product ID: 9781904600459.
				Price: $19.95.

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