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School/club digital chess clock
Competition clock for schools or tournaments -$54.95 For more information click here.


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Winning Chess Explained

Winning Chess Explained.
Type: BARGAINS. Detail: Franco, Z. Product Code: 9781904600466.
Price: AUD $34.95 Now $29.95 (14% discount!!)
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Grandmaster Franco presents 50 instructive games illustrating a variety of chess ideas.

Key themes are illustrated by several games, so that readers gain an appreciation of the relevant ideas, and develop foresight that will enable them to make the right decisions at the board by anticipating problems before they arise.

Softback, 192 pages. Dimensions 172 x 248 x 15.24mm, 426.38g

This is the product image for Winning Chess Explained. Detail: Franco, Z. Product ID: 9781904600466.
				Price: $29.95.

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