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Improve Your Chess - By Learning from the Champions

Improve Your Chess - By Learning from the Champions.
Type: BARGAINS. Detail: Hansen, Lars Bo. Product Code: 9781906454128.
Price: AUD $34.95 Now $19.95 (43% discount!!)
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In this book your middlegame is improved.

It explains why a study of the great champions of the past and present will significantly improve your chess. Although modern chess is a highly concrete game where calculation is paramount and principles often appear to take a back seat, Hansen argues that the principles have become implicit at top level: "you cannot win games only by following Steinitz's or Nimzowitsch's principles, but you will certainly lose games if you don't know these principles!"

Hansen shows that pattern recognition , one of the most vital aspects of chess mastery, is built up highly effectively by studying historic games, and cites many examples which will immediately form part of your armoury. At the same time, you will enjoy a feast of the most instructive chess games of all time both classical and modern. The final chapter discusses the future development of chess style.

This is the product image for Improve Your Chess - By Learning from the Champions. Detail: Hansen, Lars Bo. Product ID: 9781906454128.
				Price: $19.95.

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