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Looking for Trouble

Looking for Trouble.
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Heisman,D. Product Code: 9781949859836.
Category: MIDDLEGAME. Publisher: .
Retail Price: AUD $34.95 (includes GST)
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This chess classic is now in its third edition and has been enlarged with extra material.

This book is written to address and underemphasized area of chess training and study, the identification of and reaction to threats.

For beginning and intermediate level players, the study of tactics is paramount. Almost all tactics books take the approach of providing a position where there is a forced win, checkmate, or draw.

However Looking for Trouble, now in a revised and enlarged third edition, takes a different tack. It helps you to recognize threats by providing over 300 problems in which you focus on identifying and meeting threats in the opening, middlegame and endgame.

The authors clear explanations are presented in a manner that should greatly benefit players of all levels.

Softback, 208 pages.

Details (109Kb jpg file)

This is the product image for Looking for Trouble. Detail: Heisman,D. Product ID: 9781949859836.
				Price: $34.95.

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