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Russian Silhouettes (3rd Ed)

Russian Silhouettes (3rd Ed).
Type: BOOKS. Detail: Sosonko, G. Product Code: 9789056912932.
Category: MIDDLEGAME. Publisher: New in Chess.
Price: AUD $49.95 Now $29.95 (40% discount!!)
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A chess classic for those who love the old masters.

Very interesting collection of essays about chess personalities from the Soviet period. Sosonko a respected trainer who became a world class chess grandmaster after leaving Leningrad and moving to Holland in 1972, Genna Sosonko observes the golden age Soviet chess from a privileged dual perspective.

Combining an insider's nostalgia with the detachment of a critical observer, he has produced unforgettable portraits of the heroes of this bygone era: Tal, Botvinnik, Geller, Polugaevsky, and the legendary trainer Zak are some of his subjects. This New Edition has two brand new stories. Softback, 224 pages. Dimensions 148 x 223 x 13mm, 376g

This is the product image for Russian Silhouettes (3rd Ed). Detail: Sosonko, G. Product ID: 9789056912932.
				Price: $29.95.

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