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School/club digital chess clock
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Clearance (by author)

Note. All prices include GST.

108 clearance items found.

Note. The products below have been discontinued - prices have been greatly reduced and stocks are limited. These products are new (not second-hand) and in excellent condition.

All products are less than $100!!

Note. Sorted by author.
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Name Detail Price
Crazy Knights (puzzle game) (CK1) 4.95
Kingpin 38 Spring 2006 (KP-38) 9.95
Kingpin 39 Spring 2007 (KP-39) 9.95
Second Hand Books (SHB) 10.00
Torino 2006 DVD (CBTURINDVD) 9.95
You Move... I Win! (1888710187) Angos, A 19.95
What GMs Don't See V1 (CBFT-AMW1DVD) new Ashley, M 4.95
What GMs Don't See V2 (CBFT-AMW2DVD) new Ashley, M 4.95
British Chess Magazine - Back Issues Any Y (BCM-BACKISSUES) BCM 10.00
The King's Indian (CBFT-BOMKIDVD) new Bojkov, D 4.95
Attacking with the Pirc DVD (PircDVD) new Bojkov,D 4.95
Beating the Sicilian V1 (CBFT-BOBS1EDVD) new Bologan, V 4.95
Beating the Sicilian V2 (CBFT-BOBS2EDVD) new Bologan, V 4.95
Sicilian Rossolimo for White (CBFT-BOSRDVD) new Bologan, V 4.95
The Fighting Philidor DVD (CBFT-BOFPDVD) new Bologan, V 4.95
The King's Indian DVD (CBFT-BOKIDVD) new Bologan, V 4.95
Winning with the Ruy Lopez V2 (CBFT-BORL2EDVD) new Bologan, V 4.95
Winning with the Ruy Lopez V3 (CBFT-BORL3EDVD) new Bologan, V 4.95
Kramnik vs Leko 2004 (3935748086) Breutigam, M 19.95
In Search of Zugzwang (094547086X) Brieger & Tw 9.95
The Art of Triangulation (0945470927) Brieger, R 9.95
Chess Monthly - Back Issues (CHESS-BACKISSUES) CHESS 9.95
Gambit Busters (9781857446425) Collins, S 19.95
Know the Terrain V1 Carlsbad (CBFT-COCSDVD) new Collins, S 4.95
Know the Terrain V2 Capablanca (CBFT-COCS2EDVD) new Collins, S 4.95
7 Ways to Smash the Sicilian (9781857445954) Conticello & 19.95
How to Beat Younger Players (CBFT-DSYPDVD) new Davies, N 4.95
A Legend on the Road: Bobby Fischer's 1964 (1888690259) Donaldson, J 19.95
Elmars Zemgalis (1879900001) Donaldson, J 19.99
The Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein (1857442792) Dunnington, 19.95
School of Chess Excellence 4 - Opening Dev (9783283004194) Dvoretsky, M 39.90
Mastering rook vs pieces (9786158071321) Efstratios, 29.95
A Rock Solid Chess Opening Repertoire for (9781906454319) Eingorn, V 29.95
Creative Chess Opening Preparation (9781904600589) Eingorn, V 29.95
American Chess Bulletin Volume 42 (1945) (807189415X) Fiala, V 19.95
Quarterly for Chess History Spring 5/2000 (9900000005) Fiala, V 19.95
The Chess Player's Quarterly Chronicle V1 (8071894176) Fiala, V 19.95
Leo Forgacs (1901034224) Foldeak, WA 19.95
The History of Chess (8071895563) Forbes, D 39.95
The Art of Attacking Chess (9781904600978) Franco, Z 24.95
Winning Chess Explained (9781904600466) Franco, Z 29.95
Back to Basics: Fundamentals (9781888690422) Francuski, B 19.95
Antoaneta Stefanova (9546497355) Georgiev & S 9.95
Play Chess Like the Pros (9781857446272) Gormally, D 19.95
Chess College 1: Strategy (9781904600459) Grivas 19.95
Chess College 2: Pawn Play (9781904600473) Grivas 19.95
V1 Expertise Step by Step (CBFT-GMCE1DVD) new Grivas, E 4.95
V2 Expertise Step by Step (CBFT-GMCE2DVD) new Grivas, E 4.95
V3 Expertise Step by Step (CBFT-GMCE3EDVD) new Grivas, E 4.95
Black repertoire 1.e4 V1 The Marshall Atta (CBFT-GOS1DVDE) new Gustafsson,J 4.95
Improve Your Chess - By Learning from the (9781906454128) Hansen, Lars 19.95
The Chess Monthly Volume 13 (1891/92) (8071894141) Hoffer, L 19.95
Hooked on Chess (9789056912208) Hook, B 19.95
The Ruy Lopez: A Guide for Black (9781904600671) Johnsen & Jo 20.00
The Path to Tactical Strength (978866810075) new Kasimdzhanov 4.95
Anti-Moscow Gambit for Experts DVD (CBOT99) new Kasimdzhanov 4.95
Beating the French V2 (CBOT91) new Kasimdzhanov 4.95
Guide to King's Indian (CBFT-KODVD1st) new Kasimdzhanov 4.95
Beating The French Vol 3 (9783866810587) new Kasimdzhanov 4.95
Sabotage the Grunfeld (9789056914400) Kaufmann, L 19.95
Opening White Anand V10 (9789548782647) Khalifman, A 9.95
Powerplay 13 The Squeeze (CBFT-KMP13DVDE) new King, D 4.95
Powerplay 15 Pawn Endgames (CBFT-KMP15DVDE) new King, D 4.95
Powerplay 14 - Tactics DVD (CBFT-KMP14DVDE) new King,D 4.95
Fearsome Four Pawns Attack (1888690275) Konikowski & 19.95
Play it safe, play the Petroff (CBFT-KOPSPEDVD) new Kritz, L 4.95
1...d6: Move by Move (9781857446838) Lakdawala, C 29.95
Bishop's Opening Explained (9780713489170) Lane, G 29.95
Prepare to Attack (9781857446500) Lane, G 29.95
From Basis to Brilliance -Tactics Volume 3 (CBFT-LMT3EDVD) new Lilov, V 4.95
Gambit Opening Repertoire (CBFT-LOGOEDVD) new Lilov,V 4.95
Tactics Volume 2 (CBFT-LMT2EDVD) new Lilov,V 4.95
True Lies in Chess (9789197600576) Lluis Comas 9.95
Kingpin 40 Autumn 2009 (KP-40) Manley, J 9.95
Queen's Gambit Declined DVD (CBFT-MOQGDVD) new Martin, A 4.95
Spanish Exchange Variation (CBFT-MOSEDVD) new Martin, A 4.95
The ABC of the King's Indian DVD (9783866811362) new Martin,A 4.95
How to Play Against 1 e4 (9781857445862) McDonald, N 19.95
Magic of chess Tactics 2 (9781941270813) Meyer, C & M 19.95
The Secret Weapons of Champion (9783866810396) new Mikhalchishi 4.95
New In Chess Magazine - Back Issues (NIC-BACKISSUES) NIC 9.95
Fighting The Ruy Lopez (9781857445909) Pavlovic, M 9.95
Chess Wizardry (0713480130) Rice, J 19.95
Terrey Shaw- Australian Chess Ironman (9781875716005) Rogers,I & S 24.95
Best of the Best 1001-1100 (9788672970616) SAHOVSKI 19.95
Informator 89 (03511375-089A) SAHOVSKI 19.95
Informator 91 (03511375-091A) SAHOVSKI 9.95
Caro Kann Monograph B12 (CICD-B12) Sasa Velicko 4.95
CHESSDON (0967077508) Schultz, D 4.95
The Philidor Defence DVD (CBFT-SOPDDVD) new Shirov, A 4.95
The Sicilian with 3.Bb5 (CBFT-SOSWDVD) new Shirov, A 4.95
Beating the Berlin Defence DVD (CBFT-SOBDEDVD) new Shirov,A 4.95
Fat Fritz 2 Chess Program (SPFF20DVD) Silver, A 99.95
Richard Teichmann (0906042884) Spence, J 19.95
True Combat Chess (9781857445848) Taylor, T 19.95
No fear of 1d4 V1 Catalan DVD (CBFT-TOCQ1EDVD) new Tiviakov, S 4.95
No fear of 1d4 V2 Nimzo-Indian (CBFT-TOCQ2EDVD) new Tiviakov, S 4.95
The Maroczy System (CBOT84) new Tiviakov, S 4.95
Two Knight's Defence DVD (9783866811621) new Trent, L 4.95
Surviving Changi E E Colman (9789810579227) Urcan, O 39.95
The Chess Literature of Australia and New (9788674664193) van Manen, J 34.95
Botvinnik and Moscow Variation (CBFT-bOTLVWDVD) new Van Wely,L 4.95
Offbeat Nimzo-Indian (1857443691) Ward, C 9.95
Mastering the Chess Openings Volume 4 (9781906454197) Watson, J 19.95
Chess Explained: The Classical Sicilian (9781904600428) Yermolinsky, 9.95
The Genius and Misery of Chess (9780979148231) Z, Kaikamjoz 19.95
Modern Benoni for Advanced Players (CBFT-ZMMBEDVD) new Ziegler, A 4.95