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264 books found.

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Name Detail Price
1.e4 vs The Sicilian 1 (9781906552398) 0001 Negi, Parima 49.95
100 Endgame Studies You Must Know (9789083406411) 0002 Timman,J 49.95
100 Endgames Patterns You Must Know (9789056919726) 0003 de la Villa, 49.99
100 Endgames You Must Know (9789056916176) 0004 de la Villa, 49.95
100 Endgames You Must Know (HB (9789493257726) 0005 De La Villa, 59.95
100 Endgames You Must Know- Workbook (9789056918170) 0006 de la Villa, 44.95
1000 Checkmate Combinations (9781849947251) 0007 Henkin,V 29.95
1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate (978936490820) 0008 Reinfeld,F 29.95
1001 Chess Endgame Exercises (9789493257535) 0009 Willemze,T 39.95
1001 Chess for Club Players (9789083406404) new 0010 Erwich,F 44.99
101 Chess Questions Answered (9781906454005) 0011 Giddins, S 29.95
212 Surprising Checkmates (9781936490233) 0012 Alberston & 19.95
222 Opening Traps after 1.e4 (9783283010041) 0013 Muller & Kna 49.95
50 Mistakes You Should Know (9789083406442) 0014 De la Villa, 54.95
50 Ways to Win at Chess (9781904600855) 0015 Giddins, S 32.95
A Strategic Opening Repertoire (9781888690415) 0016 Donaldson & 39.95
A to Z Chess Tactics (9781849944465) 0017 Huczek, G 29.99
Across The Board- Hardback edition (0691118183) 0018 Watkins, J 49.95
Adolf Anderssen (9780646816142) 0019 Johnson, R 99.95
Alekhine Alert! (9781857446234) 0020 Taylor, T 29.95
Alekhine move by move (9781781943175) 0021 Giddins, S 34.95
Attack and Counterattack (9781941270622) 0022 Reinfeld, F 19.95
Attacking 1...d5 (9786197188332) 0023 Georgiev, K 39.95
Attacking 1...d5 Volume 2 (9786197188349) 0024 Georgiev,K 39.95
Attacking The Flexible Sicilian (9786197188127) 0025 Delchev & Se 39.95
Attacking the Spanish (9781906552176) 0026 Brunello, S 39.95
Attacking the Strong Point (9781949859263) 0027 Zaitsev,I 99.95
Australia at the Yerevan Chess Olympiad (1875716076) 0028 Rogers, I 9.95
Batsford Book of Chess for Children HB (9781849940696) 0029 Chevannes, S 30.00
BCM Single Issue (00070440) 0030 Saunders, J 0.00
Beat the KID (9781906552122) 0031 Markos, J 30.00
Beating 1.e4 e5 (9781857446173) 0032 Emms, J 32.95
Beating the Fianchetto Defences (9781904600480) 0033 Grivas, E 20.00
Beating the King's Indian and Grunfeld (1857444280) 0034 Taylor, T 19.95
Beating the Queen's Gambit- Indian style! (9781784832360) 0035 Castellanos, 49.95
Black and White Magic (9781784831905) 0036 Smith,A 44.95
Bob Wade: Tribute to a Master (9780955535529) 0037 Cannon, Ray 19.95
Bobby Fischer for Beginners (9789056913151) 0038 Verwer, R 29.95
Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess (9780553263152) 0039 Fischer,B 17.95
Bobby Fischer's Boys Life (9781941270516) 0040 Fischer, B 19.95
Botvinnik vs Bronstein Moscow 1951 (3283004595) 0041 Botvinnik, M 29.95
Botvinnik vs Tal Moscow 1961 (3283004617) 0042 Botvinnik, M 29.95
British Chess Magazine Annual Sub (00070440-12) 0043 James Pratt 175.00
Capablanca's Endgame Technique (9789083434926) 0044 Collovic,A 34.95
Champions 3: Endgame Technique (9783283005177) 0045 Dvoretsky & 59.95
Checkmate Tactics (HB) (9781857446265) 0046 Kasparov, G 29.95
Checkmate! My First Chess Book HB (9781857443585) 0047 Kasparov, G 29.95
Chess (9780241305164) 0048 Zweig, S 15.95
Chess Bibliography 1850-1968 (8071895571) 0049 Betts, D 79.95
Chess Board Options (9789056919337) 0050 Kaufman,L 39.95
Chess Endgames for Kids (HB) (9781910093610) 0051 Muller, K 29.95
Chess Explained: The Meran Semi-Slav (9781904600817) 0052 Vera, R 19.95
Chess Explained: The Modern Benoni (9781904600770) 0053 Franco, Z 20.00
Chess for Children (HB) (9781904600060) 0054 Chandler, M 29.99
Chess for Children Activity Book (9781849942843) 0055 Chevannes, S 24.95
Chess for Life (9781910093832) 0056 Sadler & Reg 39.95
Chess How to Play and Win (9781405331920) 0057 Summerscale 16.95
Chess is My Life HB (inc CD) (3283004064) 0058 Korchnoi, V 50.00
Chess Lessons from a Champion Coach (9781849948043) new 0059 Engqvist,T 32.99
Chess Life Single Issue (725274646319) 0060 Editor, The 18.00
Chess Magazine Annual Sub (09646221-12) 0061 Pein, M 180.00
Chess Magazine Single Issue (09646221) 0062 Adams, J 15.00
Chess Movies 1 Quick Tricks (9781888690729) 0063 Pandolfini, 29.95
Chess Movies 2 (9781888690736) 0064 Pandolfini, 29.95
Chess Opening Essentials 3 (9789056912703) 0065 Djuric et al 44.95
Chess Opening Traps for Kids (9781911465270) 0066 Burgess, G 29.95
Chess Openings for Kids HB (9781906454265) 0067 Watson, J & 29.95
Chess Personalia (0786423536) 0068 Gaige, J 59.95
Chess Puzzles for Kids (9781906454401) 0069 Chandler, M 29.95
Chess Queens (9781399701396) 0070 Shahade,J 29.95
Chess Scribe (9781527291188) 0071 LeMoir,D 29.95
Chess Self-Improvement (9781904600299) 0072 Franco, Z 36.95
Chess Strategy for Kids (HB) (9781910093870) 0073 Engqvist, T 29.95
Chess Tactics for Kids (HB) (9781901983999) 0074 Chandler, M 29.95
Chess Tactics Workbook for Kids (9781911465317) 0075 Nunn,J 32.95
Chess Tests (9781949859065) 0076 Dvoretsky,M 34.95
Chessboard Combat (9789493257832) 0077 Benjamin, J 39.95
Club Player's Modern Guide to Gambits (9781941270769) 0078 Kalinichenko 29.95
Coffeehouse Repertoire 1 e4 (9781784831455) 0079 Jones, G 49.95
Coffeehouse Repertoire 2 (9781784831479) 0080 Jones, G 49.95
Complete Book of Chess (9781409574668) 0081 Dalby, Eliza 19.99
Conceptual Rook Endgames- workbook (9781784832407) 0082 Aagaard,J 39.99
Counterattack! (9781906454098) 0083 Franco, Z 19.95
Creative Chess Strategy (9781901983920) 0084 Romero, A 29.95
Dangerous Weapons: 1.e4 e5 (9781857445428) 0085 Emms et al 34.95
Dangerous Weapons: Anti-Sicilians (9781857445855) 0086 Emms et al 29.95
Dangerous Weapons: Flank Openings (9781857445831) 0087 Palliser et 29.95
Dangerous Weapons: Sicilian (185744423X) 0088 Emms & Palli 29.95
David Janowski (1843821680) 0089 Cherniaev & 29.95
Desert Island Chess Puzzle Omnibus (9781911465652) 0090 Nunn,J & So, 24.95
Devious Chess (9780713490046) 0091 Avni, A 29.95
Dismantling the Sicilian (9789056917524) 0092 De La Silva 45.00
Dream Moves (9789083382746) 0093 Sher,M 44.99
Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual 5th edition (9781949859188) 0094 Dvoretsky,M 54.95
Dvoretsky's Fast Track edition (9781949859331) 0095 Dvoretsky,M 29.95
Edgard Colle (9781949859270) 0096 Kingston,T 39.95
Elements of Chess Strategy (9781906454241) 0097 Kosikov, A 29.95
Endgame Labyrinths (HB) (9781784831530) 0098 Aagaard,J & 64.95
Fighting the Anti-King's Indians (9781857445756) 0099 Dembo, Y 32.95
Fighting the French (9789548782838) 0100 Yevseev, D 39.95
Fine Art of Chess Annotation V1 (1888710195) 0101 Purdy, CJS 9.95
Fine Art of Chess Annotation V2 (0938650831) 0102 Purdy, C 9.95
Fischer World Champion! (3rd Edition) (9789056912635) 0103 Euwe & Timma 39.95
For Friends & Colleagues 1 (9781941270097) 0104 Dvoretsky,M 119.95
Foundations of Chess Strategy (9781904600268) 0105 Hansen, L 29.95
French Defence Advance V1 (9783283005238) 0106 Sveshnikov, 39.95
French Defence Advance V2 (9783283005245) 0107 Sveshnikov, 39.95
Games And Goals (9789083347981) 0108 Gronn,A 44.95
Get into Chess (9780778726456) 0109 Stuckey, R 15.95
Grandmaster Secrets: Winning Quickly at Ch (9781904600893) 0110 Nunn, J 34.95
Grandmaster Training Camp 1 ? Calculation! (9781784831882) 0111 Shankland,S 49.95
Great Chess Books (0786422076) 0112 Dunne, A 39.95
Grind Like a Grandmaster (HB) (9789083328461) 0113 Carlsen,M & 59.95
Hedgehog v English/Reti (9786197188134) 0114 Delchev & Se 49.95
Heresy (9780646575865) 0115 Lovejoy, D 19.95
How Good is Your Chess? (1875716092) 0116 Salter, M 4.95
How Purdy Won (0938650807) 0117 Purdy, C 29.95
How to Beat Your Dad - Hardback (9781901983050) 0118 Chandler, M 29.95
How to Choose a Chess Move. (9781849949231) new 0119 Soltis,A 32.95
How to Crush Your Chess Oppone (9781904600992) 0120 Williams, S 28.95
How to get the Edge against the Grunfeld (9548782359) 0121 Sakaev, K 24.95
How to Play Chess like a Champion (9781936490639) 0122 Reinfeld,F 19.95
How to Play Dynamic Chess (9781904600152) 0123 Beim, V 34.95
How to Study Chess Workbook (9789493257559) 0124 Kuljasevic,D 44.95
How to Study Chess on your own- Workbook 2 (9789083336626) 0125 Kuljasevic,D 44.95
How to Win at Chess - Quickly (9781857446319) 0126 Williams, S 34.95
Hypatia's Legacy (9781715233037) 0127 Lovejoy,D 29.95
I was a victim of Bobby Fischer (9781784831493) 0128 Taimanov,M 49.95
Ideas Behind Modern Chess Openings: White (0713487127) 0129 Lane, G 29.95
Improve Your Chess Calculation (9789083311203) 0130 Ramesh, R 59.95
Instructive Chess Puzzles (9781906454289) 0131 Burgess, G 24.95
Kingpin 41 Summer 2011 (KP-41) 0132 Manley, J 19.95
King's Anti-Sicilians for Black (9789083434988) 0133 King,D 54.95
King's Indian 1 (9781784831738) 0134 Jones, G 59.95
King's Indian 2 (9781784831752) 0135 Jones, G 59.95
Kings, Commoners and Knaves (1888690046) 0136 Winter, E 49.95
Kingwalks : Paths of Glory (9781949859386) 0137 Seirawan,Y & 34.95
Learn Chess (9781901983302) 0138 Nunn, J 19.95
Learn Chess the Right Way 1 (9781941270219) 0139 Polgar,S 29.95
Learn Chess The Right Way 2 (9781941270455) 0140 Polgar, S 29.95
Learn Chess The Right Way 3 (9781941270493) 0141 Polgar, S 29.95
Learn Chess The Right Way 4 (9781941270646) 0142 Polgar, S 29.95
Learn Chess The Right Way 5 (9781941270660) 0143 Polgar, S 29.95
Leningrad Dutch (9781784831011) 0144 Marin, M 44.95
Logical Chess: Move by Move (9780713484649) 0145 Chernev, I 32.95
Looking for Trouble (9781949859836) 0146 Heisman,D 34.95
Magnus Carlsen - 60 Memorable Games (9781849946506) 0147 Soltis, A 32.95
Making My Move (9789083406466) 0148 Bologan,V 49.95
Maneuvering: The Art of Piece Play (9781941270370) 0149 Dvoretsky,M 34.95
Marcel Duchamp V1 1887-1925 (8071894206) 0150 Fiala, V 69.95
Marcel Duchamp V2 1926-1930 (8071895164) 0151 Fiala, V 69.95
Modern Benoni (9781857446814) 0152 Palliser, R 19.95
Modern Ideas in Chess (9781888690620) 0153 Reti, R 24.95
Moral Victories: Savielly Tarkatower (9780957978027) 0154 Lovejoy, D 24.95
Moscow & Anti-Moscow Variation (9789548782746) 0155 Dreev, A 39.95
My Chess (9781936490677) new 0156 Ree,H 39.95
My First Opening Repertoire (9789083413990) 0157 Sielecki,C 39.95
Najdorf: Life and Games (0713489200) 0158 Lissowski & 20.00
Naughty Nonsense (9781664100923) 0159 Ellis, D 14.95
NIC Magazine Single Issue (01688782) 0160 Timman, J 22.00
Nona Gaprindashvili (9788394429072) 0161 Karoyli, T 33.00
Off the Board Chess (9781527285729) 0162 Smith, A 59.95
Oops! I resigned one more time (9781949859652) 0163 Rogers, I 29.95
Open Files (9783283010065) 0164 Ulmann & Sch 49.95
Parallel Strategy- 156 Chess Compositions (0646433679) 0165 Wong, P 49.95
Paul Keres - Volume 1-4 (9789083435084) 0166 Adams,J 449.95
Pirc in Black and White (9781857444322) 0167 Vigus, J 34.95
Play 1...Nc6! (9781857445220) 0168 Wisnewski, C 19.95
Play 1d4 d5 2 c4 e6! (9786197188189) 0169 A, Kornev 39.95
Play Like a Girl! (9781936277032) 0170 Shahade, J 25.00
Play the Queen's Indian (9781857445800) 0171 Greet, A 32.95
Playing the English (9781784831844) 0172 Ntirlis, N 49.95
Playing the English (9781784831851) 0173 Ntirlis,N 59.95
Playing the Nimzo-Indian (9781784832100) 0174 Castellanos, 59.95
Playing the Sveshnikov (9781784831820) 0175 Pavlovic,M 59.95
Queen's Gambit (9781474622578) 0176 Tevis,W 19.95
Queen's Indian Defence (9786197188219) 0177 Evgeniy Solo 39.95
Reassess Your Chess Workbook (9781890085056) 0178 Silman, J 39.95
Reinfeld on the Endgame (9781941270554) 0179 Reinfeld,F 19.95
Rock Solid Chess (9789493257856) 0180 Tiviakov,S & 49.95
Rossolimo and friends (9786197188035) 0181 Kornev, A 39.95
Russian Silhouettes (3rd Ed) (9789056912932) 0182 Sosonko, G 29.95
Ruy Lopez Explained (9780713489781) 0183 Lane, G 29.99
San Luis 2005 (9789197600521) 0184 Gershon & No 29.99
School of Excellence 2 (9783283004170) 0185 Dvoretsky, M 59.95
Secret Notes (9783283004644) 0186 Bronstein & 39.95
Secrets of Attacking Chess (9781904600305) 0187 Marin, M 36.95
Secrets of Pawn Endings (9781904600886) 0188 Muller & Lam 34.95
Secrets of Spectacular Chess (9781857445510) 0189 Levitt,J & F 32.95
Shady Side - The Life and Crimes HB (0939433575) 0190 Hilbert, J 84.95
Sicilian Warfare (9781784831134) 0191 Smirin,I 49.95
Silman's Chess Odyssey (9781890085247) 0192 Silman, J 59.95
Simple Chess (9780486424200) 0193 Stean,M 29.95
Slay the Spanish (9781857446371) 0194 Taylor, T 19.99
Smart Chip from St Petersburg (9056911694) 0195 Sosonko, G 20.00
Sofia Polgar- signed hardback. (9781949859614) 0196 Polgar,S 99.99
Soviet Outcast (9781784830861) 0197 Levenfish, G 59.95
Starting Out: Benoni Systems (1857443799) 0198 Raetsky & Ch 19.95
Starting Out: Closed Sicilian (9781857444148) 0199 Richard Pall 29.95
Starting Out: Open Games (9781857446302) 0200 Flear, G 19.95
Starting Out: The Modern (9781857445664) 0201 Davies, N 19.95
Studies for Practical Players (9781888690644) 0202 Dvoretsky & 49.95
Sultan Khan - Hardback edition (9789056918750) 0203 King, D 54.95
Sveshnikov v the Anti Sicilian (9789056915452) 0204 Sveshnikov, 49.95
Taimanov-Scheveningen Hybrid (9786197188365) 0205 Semkov,S 39.95
Tata Steel Tournament- Kings, Queens and R (9789493257771) 0206 L'Ami, E 49.95
Teaching Chess- Step by Step 2 (9781888690712) 0207 Khmelnitsky, 29.95
Test Your Chess Skills (9789056918095) 0208 Sarhan Gulie 29.95
The 1997 Doeberl Cup (1875716084) 0209 Dunn & Press 4.95
The Anti-Meran, Botvinnik Variation (187947929X) 0210 Tangborn, E 9.95
The Art of Bisguier (9781888690361) 0211 Bisguier & B 34.95
The Art of Chess V1 Tactics (9780473136284) 0212 Aptekar, L 29.95
The Art of Chess V2 Strategy (9780473136291) 0213 Aptekar, L 29.95
The Art of Chess V3 Attack (9780473154608) 0214 Aptekar, L 29.95
The Art of the Endgame - Hardback (9789083328416) 0215 Timman,J 64.95
The Berlin Defence Unraveled (9789056917401) 0216 Bernal, L 39.95
The Caro-Kann, the Easy Way (9781849948166) 0217 Engqvist,T 34.95
The Center Game (9789083434940) 0218 Moll,A 39.95
The Chessmaster Checklist (9781849947145) 0219 Soltis,A 32.95
The Classical King's Indian Uncovered (9781857445176) 0220 Panczyk & Il 29.95
The Complete Chess Swindler (9789056919115) 0221 Smerdon,D 49.95
The Complete Chess Course (9781941270240) 0222 Reinfeld,F 39.95
The Dragon Sicilian (9789493257351) 0223 Giri,A 59.95
The Endgame (9789548782630) 0224 Makarov 39.95
The English Attack (9781901983579) 0225 Sammalvuo, T 19.95
The Exchange Sacrifice (9781941270226) 0226 Kasparov,S 29.95
The Four Knights Game (9789056913724) 0227 Obodchuk, A 36.95
The Grand Prix Attack (9789056914172) 0228 Sveshnikov, 44.95
The Life & Games of Akiva Rubinstein. Volu (9781936490394) 0229 Donaldson,J 44.95
The Life & Games Vasily Smyslov (9781949859249) 0230 Terekhov,P 49.95
The Life and games of Akiva Rubinstein- vo (9781941270882) 0231 Donaldson,J 44.95
The London Files (9781949859690) 0232 Kotronias, V 39.99
The Meran & Anti-Meran (9789548782807) 0233 Dreev, A 39.95
The Modern French (9789056913991) 0234 Antic, D 39.95
The Modern Nimzo-Indian (9786197188370) 0235 Lysyi,I 39.95
The Modern Spanish (9781949859201) 0236 Kotronias, V 39.95
The Modern Triangle (9786197188271) 0237 Semkov,S 39.95
The Philidor Files (9781857444360) 0238 Bauer, C 32.95
The Real Paul Morphy (9789083378817) 0239 Hertan,C 59.95
The Reliable Past (9056911147) 0240 Sosonko, G 19.95
The Rossolimo for Club Players (9789493257276) 0241 Bologan,V 39.95
The Scotch Gambit (9781941270745) 0242 A,Fishbein 29.95
The Scotch Game- A White Repertoire (9781949859584) 0243 Bezgodov,A & 34.95
The Sicilian Four Knights (9781949859362) 0244 Willis,D 39.95
The Turk, Chess Automaton (0786407786) 0245 Levitt, G 105.00
The wisest things ever said about chess (9781906388003) 0246 Soltis, A 29.95
The Woodpecker Method 2 (9781784831240) 0247 Smith,A 59.95
Tiger's Chaos Theory (9781784832131) 0248 Hillarp Pers 59.95
Trompowsky Attack & London (9789493257009) 0249 Moskalenko,V 39.99
Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 1 (9781784832032) 0250 Grabinsky,V 59.95
Turbo-Charge Your Tactics 2 (9781784832056) 0251 Grabinsky,V 59.95
Ultimate Chess Strategy V1 (9781904600848) 0252 Romero & de 19.95
Understanding Queen Endgames (9781949859317) 0253 Muller,K & K 32.95
Vienna 1922 (9781936490028) 0254 Evans, L 29.95
White Horses and Dark Knights (9798210493682) 0255 Lovejoy,D 29.95
Who Dares Wins! (9781857446296) 0256 D'Costa, L 20.00
Winning (9781784831592) 0257 Short, N 59.95
Winning Chess Brilliancies (1857443470) 0258 Seirawan, Y 32.95
Winning Chess Middlegames 2 (9789083382722) 0259 Sokolov,I 49.95
Winning The World Open (9789056919856) new 0260 Benjamin,J & 39.95
Wojo's Weapons V1 (9780979148200) 0261 Ippolito, D 39.95
World Chess Champion Strategy (9789083328485) 0262 Willmze,T 39.95
Yellowstone Butterfly (9781715233204) 0263 Lovejoy,D 29.95
Zwischenzug! (9789083413921) 0264 Regan, N & B 49.95